Welcome to Wigwam Homeopathy

Henny (RSHom/PDHom Adv UK) is a homeopath with clinics in both Malton & Scarborough or via Zoom. She completed practitioner training with the School of Homeopathy in Stroud. She has been working with holistic therapies for over 30 years and before working as a full time homeopath Henny worked in health and fitness treating patients with many health related issues. Henny is interested in using her homeopathic knowledge in conjunction with nutritional and exercise therapies. Henny has completed various courses in health and fitness, kinesiology, massage and nutrition. Henny is a Registered homeopath with the Society of Homeopaths and also a listed practitioner with the Faculty of Homeopathy .

New patients are always welcome.

Homeopathy helps

  • Mental/emotional conditions 

  • Chronic pain and inflammatory conditions, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue

  • Auto-immune disorders like Sarcoidosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Diabetes etc.

  • Children with developmental disorders, e.g., Autism, Asperger’s syndrome, ADHD

  • Women's health issues, including hormonal imbalances, menstrual disorders, pregnancy ailments, childbirth, newborn infant care, mental/emotional health during and after pregnancy, fertility, menopause, fibroids, cysts and more.

  • Degenerative diseases like liver fibrosis, disc problems, bone inflammations etc.

  • Injuries and their chronic effects

  • Reproductive issues (e.g. infertility) and hormonal health issues

  • Children/adults with fever, coughs, colds, flus, allergies, asthma, other respiratory

  • Functional issues like headaches, digestive issues, sleep disorders

Why use it? 

  • Works in harmony with your body's self-healing mechanisms

  • Cures chronic and acute diseases in a gentle, natural way

  • Homeopathic treatment often leads to improvement on many levels leading to better energy as well as a greater sense of mental and emotional well being

  • No side effects; when used correctly, even babies and pregnant women can benefit from it greatly

  • ​Broad sphere of application means it can help in a large gamut of chronic physical as well as mental conditions

  • Great benefits on immunity and disease predisposition levels

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine where the ideal of cure is to treat a person gently, rapidly and permanently. The founder of homeopathy was Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). According to the World Health Organization, homeopathy is the second most widely used system of medicine in the world, second only to conventional medicine. Even the Royal family have their own homeopath and His Majesty King Charles III is the Patron of the Faculty of Homeopathy.

What happens during consultations?

A thorough look at mental, emotional and physical symptoms is required before arriving at the right remedy. The general temperament of the patient as well as any predominant emotional states as well as fears he/she may have are considered carefully along with important life events in the case history.  Depending upon the complexity of the case, it might be possible to come up with the remedy at the end of the consultation or it might need more "homework" to pick the right remedy. In rare cases of very high complexity, multiple visits may be needed before a remedy is prescribed.

In-person and Zoom option

I offer in-person consultations at my clinic in both Malton and Scarborough. If due to distance reasons, you cannot come in person, Zoom consults are also available. 


Initial consultations take 1 hour and 20 minutes and a follow-up typically last 45 to 60 mins.